The French mystic and philosopher Simone Weil wrote that “attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity”. ‘Andante’ is an invitation to pause, to connect with your senses, to be in a room with others and not have to say or even see anything. It is conceived as a generous and patient walk into a cloud of attention and time. The word andante refers to a type of musical movement that is moderately slow or distinct. It originates from the Italian word andare which means “to go”. Igor and Moreno make hypnotic and visceral works exploring people’s needs and desires. ‘Andante’ follows on from international tours of acclaimed works ‘Idiot-Syncrasy’ and ‘A Room For All Our Tomorrows’.

On 17th of March, its was launched a 40 day crowdfuning campaign to cover the production costs of the performance ‘The Cardboard Gondolier’ .. It will take place in Venice, on 10th of May, in San Trovaso Canal. It is a symbolic place, the site of the most famous gondola workshop in Venice, called “Squero”. The artistic action will be curated by Miguel Mallol.
And it’s not just us — the 200,000+ view count on Catá’s Vimeo channel speaks for itself. Yet despite all this recognition, Catá is extremely shy… or is it because of this? In order to find out more about him, we invited Catá to join us on a crisp autumn morning in Madrid. We’re happy to say that he agreed…
Olmo Blanco’s drawings transform everyday contexts. Geometrical patterns cover walls, floors and the most common objects. His works are based on the ephemeral, in the persistent repetition of simple figures that turn into a kind of mantra, into a memory of our most recent archaeology. This is the first time that Olmo visits Edinburgh.