Photo by David Ruiz
This month, the Spanish theatre production company, Ron Lalá, took its new performance ‘Somewhere in the Quijote’ to the Riverside Studios on the banks of the Thames in Hammersmith as part of the second Festival of Spanish Theatre in London. The festival was initiated last year by Mariví Rodríguez Quiñones, University lecturer of Spanish at King’s College, with the aim of promoting Spanish theatre in the UK.
Freya Willetts

Freya Willetts
London born-and-bred, Freya's passion for languages led her to study French and Spanish at Oxford University where she directed and acted in plays and wrote for her college magazine. During her studies she spent a year teaching English in Valencia and exploring Spanish culture; the highlight was Las Fallas with its buñuelos, verbenas and castillos. As well as being a linguist, Freya is a keen musician, artist and swing-dancer.